Bridleway Reports

You can report any problems (or good experiences!) that you encounter while out and about on the bridleways in MSABG’s area.

The County Councils are responsible for getting your problem fixed if it is on a statutory bridleway and the relevant organisation or owner is responsible if it is a permissive path. Members can find that the Councils’ interactive maps listed on our Maps, Routes and Rides page can help you locate the bridleway that you want to report.

Logging a problem here on MSABG’s website, ensures that there is a permanent record of your issue which can be tracked. This could also help towards finding a solution.  Other people will be able to see the list and can often offer more information and help.

1. Log your problem on MSABG’s website by Submitting a Bridleway Report
you will be prompted for information but if you are not sure of anything just do your best! Then use the back-arrows to get back to this page.

2. Report your problem to the relevant authority 

If the bridleway is in West Sussex report it at:  West Sussex County Council  and if in East Sussex its: which includes reporting a bridleway problem within the Brighton & Hove area as well.

Rights of Way Officers are busy people but if you have not had a reply after one or two weeks then follow up. Get some idea of when your problem might be attended to and follow up again! Be tenacious and don’t lose heart. Some issues do take a long time to be resolved. Please remember to let us know how things are going, especially when a problem that you have reported is fixed. If you need any help in getting your problem sorted out then contact us. MSABG’s members and committee have a good deal of experience under their belts!

Note that you can re-order the Bridleway Report entries below by clicking on the title of the appropriate column.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Report nr.Reported onParishBridlewayProblem TypeStill PassableStatusReported to LA
#0004014/10/2006 19:13Westmeston20 - Wapple Way (east from Black Dog Hill)SurfaceNoOn list for repairYes
#0004626/10/2006 17:18Westmeston11 - Parallel to and West of Streat Lane to Middleton ManorSurfaceYesFixedYes
#0004731/10/2006 15:30Westmeston11 - Parallel to and West of Streat Lane to Middleton ManorBridgeNoYes
#0005713/01/2007 17:43WestmestonJubillee Path (permissive path)BridgeNoYes
#0006313/03/2007 14:25Westmeston20 - Wapple Way (east from Black Dog Hill)BridgeYesYes
#0006620/03/2007 18:36Westmeston11 - Parallel to and West of Streat Lane to Middleton ManorBridgeNoYes
#0007229/04/2007 11:05Westmeston11 - Parallel to and West of Streat Lane to Middleton ManorSurfaceYesOn list for repairYes
#0007329/04/2007 11:08Westmeston11 - Parallel to and West of Streat Lane to Middleton ManorBridgeNoNo
#0007430/04/2007 21:47Westmeston27 - SDW - east from Ditchling BeaconGateYesFixedYes
#0008221/05/2007 11:36Westmeston20 - Wapple Way (east from Black Dog Hill)VegetationYesFixedYes
#0008323/05/2007 12:17Westmeston28 - West Wood (behind Tidy's Yard/St Georges RetreatBridgeYesOn list for repairYes
#0009329/07/2007 14:19Westmeston11 - Parallel to and West of Streat Lane to Middleton ManorFordYesFixedYes
#0009420/08/2007 20:28Westmeston03 - Hundred Acre Lane to Dobells FarmObstructionYesFixedYes
#0010009/10/2007 12:58Westmeston03 - Hundred Acre Lane to Dobells FarmSurfaceYesOn list for repairYes
#0010328/10/2007 21:33Westmeston11 - Parallel to and West of Streat Lane to Middleton ManorClosureNoNo
#0011521/01/2008 14:43Westmeston11 - Parallel to and West of Streat Lane to Middleton ManorFordNoNo
#0011722/04/2008 15:11WestmestonJubillee Path (permissive path)VegetationYesFixedYes
#0011828/04/2008 13:27WestmestonJubillee Path (permissive path)BridgeYesNo
#0011928/04/2008 13:33Westmeston20 - Wapple Way (east from Black Dog Hill)BridgeNoYes
#0012130/05/2008 16:54Westmeston11 - Parallel to and West of Streat Lane to Middleton ManorNoYes