Noticing what’s happening on your bridleways is a huge part of what MSABG is about.
Local Rep, Sue Coote, noticed kissing gates being erected as part of the fencing/grazing initiative on Ditchling Common Country Park. Though large, to accommodate wheelchairs, this was not ideal on a bridleway! At her instigation, bridle gates have now been installed instead.
Adding gates to a path previously easy to ride is not good news for riders, but at least these have been well hung. However, one is within a tricky egress into the fence line – feedback on how this rides would be welcome from those using the path.
The path in question is the permissive bridleway along the western side of the B2112 from the Hope Farm driveway to Folders Lane roundabout. The final stretch of this, on to Folders Lane, is now unrideable however with a kissing gate still in place. The bridleway apparently crosses the road north of the roundabout. If you have in the past ridden the section that connects with Folders Lane, please let us know.