The Public Inquiry has now taken place over a two day period which was very well attended. As a result, please read below relevant sections taken from the PINS document:
‘ there is sufficient documentary evidence to conclude that the section of the Order route as shown between points A-B-C-D-E-F on the Order plan is a long established but unrecorded bridleway. Furthermore, I conclude that there is sufficient documentary evidence to make a finding that the sections of the Order route as shown between points F-G-H-I and F-J-K on the Order plan is a public highway with vehicular rights. However, by reason of the provisions of the NERC Act, in this instance the public right to use MPVs over these sections of the Order Route have not been preserved. Consequently, I conclude that the sections of the Order route as shown between points F-G-H-I and F-J-K on the Order plan are public highways of restricted byway status.’
‘ … the Order should be proposed for confirmation with modifications. Since the confirmed Order would show a highway of one description, a way which is shown in the Order as a highway of another description,’ … ‘I am required to give notice of the proposal to modify the Order and to give an opportunity for objections and representations to be made to the proposed modifications.’
We are waiting to see if there have been any objections and hope to give a full report in the Spring newsletter 2025.