Author Archives: Mandy Daniels

Wanted – Voluntary position and area representatives

WANTED (for 2022)  Minutes Secretary/Co-ordinator, (voluntary position). We are looking for  someone who is computer literate. The committee meets 5 times a year (4 committee meetings – March, June, September, November), plus AGM (October)) for which the Minutes Secretary/Co-ordinator would … Continue reading

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Egrets Way Update

In 2014 MSABG donated £1,000 toward funding a section (phase 2) of a one-mile path alongside the River Ouse called the Egrets Way, linking Rodmell village (bridleway Rodmell 7) and Southease (the South Downs Way) at the Southease bridge. Other … Continue reading

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MSABG help with funding towards new bridleway

MSABG help with funding towards the new bridleway, now recorded as Iford 13 on the definitive map, between Lewes and Iford. Following negotiations between the Iford Estate and the Ramblers, alongside other access organisations, a new bridleway has been opened … Continue reading

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Barcombe Mills Appeal

Barcombe Mills Bridleway claim update.    Back in 2017 a claim was made to put the Old Toll Road at Barcombe Mills onto the Definitive Map. It was then learned that the adjoining Hayes Lane, although shown on the East Sussex … Continue reading

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BHS New Free – Report an Incident – Phone App.

The free of charge new app, ‘Horse i’, has been specifically designed to empower equestrians to immediately report any incidents they encounter directly to the BHS via a simple, easy-to-use interface. An incident report can be submitted via the … Continue reading

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Lesley’s Path

 The History of Lesley’s Path. Originally the land now occupied by Lesley’s path was once fenced and occupied by two small ponies. It’s believed that the land was and probably still is owned by East Sussex County Council. During the … Continue reading

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Cycling and Walking Strategy in England.. please read

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Lewes 52 – a new bridleway designated

Lewes 52 – a new bridleway The new BW is on a route that was the first official cycle route in Lewes, from the Stanley Turner Sports Ground, Kingston to Southover High Street. It is on land alongside the A27, … Continue reading

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Don’t Lose Your Way

2026 might seem light years away but the process for recording a bridleway has been know to take as long as 13 years! Your help NOW could make all the difference as you will see from the attached MSABG Bulletin … Continue reading

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Sussex Yeomanry

Sussex Yeomanry HISTORY….HORSES….EDUCATION…. FUN Mounted Skill at arms/tentpegging – taught and displayed by the master! Download their information sheet here. It tells you what they are available to do, i.e. give demonstrations, attend corporate events, add a different dimension to … Continue reading

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